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Brittany Knight

We are well on our way into the year 2020, and we are very excited to see and experience what God is going to do here in Southern Mexico this year.

Family Update:

Garrett is doing well! He wears many hats these days, and does so very well. He leads the Knights of Mexico forward, constantly pursuing God’s purpose for us here in Southern Mexico working with the Chinanteco people group. He still works part time for Communications Solutions, we are so grateful for this company. He also is a great husband and father. He even finds time to connect with our community locally through volleyball.

I (Brittany) am doing well. We are expecting our third child in late June, so being a mommy is my number one job! I spend my days taking care of children and the house, and studying for our meetings with families in Ojitlan. I also spend my time building relationships here with other moms within Hope and Gideon’s school.

Hope is in 1st grade now! This is her first year in elementary school, so she is learning what it's like to have real homework. She is doing great learning to read, and being responsible for her own work. She loves to ride her bike and write in fancy notebooks for fun.

Gideon is now in his 2nd year of preschool and is doing amazing! We see such a difference in him from this time last year. He is really flourishing at school and at home. He loves to play music and sing (when no one is watching), and anything to do with airplanes.

Ministry Update:

The Domingo’s (the ladies by the river) are doing great. The mom, Marianna, is really excited about reading her bible. The last few visits she has had really good questions. In September her sister, Carmen and Carmen's daughter, accepted Christ. We are so excited to help them grow in their new walk with Christ. Her decision to follow Christ has come after a year of ministering to their family by meeting physical needs after the death of her husband, and birth of her grandson. Living out the gospel in real life, in more than just words, really does bring people to faith. We are grateful for your contributions to meeting this family's needs.

We continue to meet with the family in Ojitlan. They are always very open to hearing stories that we have to share. We are continuing to develop this relationship by spending time with them. We are hoping that they will personally see the need to accept Jesus into their hearts, and wholeheartedly follow Him, and only Him.

We have 3 mission trips coming down this year. In March we will go on a camping trip. This trip focuses on research and evangelism. July we have a sports camp we will be hosting. This trip focuses on building trust within the communities and evangelism. In September we will be providing haircuts within communities, this trip adds relevance to the gospel by meeting a physical need.


  1. The pregnancy and birth go well for Brittany and the baby.

  2. The overall health of our family.

  3. Carmen and her daughter will attend our bible studies at Marianna’s house so that they can grow in their faith.

  4. We would be careful to share the correct stories to the family in Ojitlan so that they would personally accept Jesus Chirst.

  5. For our upcoming mission trips. Pray for lives to be changed through the sharing of the gospel, and pray about whether God is calling you to partner with us on one of these trips.

We are grateful to still be serving God here in Southern Mexico. God created the Chinanteco people, and wants to spend eternity with them in heaven. They have been so deceived throughout history of God’s love for them. We pray that we are obedient to Christ to share the good news of the gospel with these people. And we are honored when God’s church comes alongside us to support us in this call. Thank you for your partnership.

Jose got married!

Hope learned to ride her bike, t was literally the first time I pushed her.

Baby Gemma

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